Hot Stamping Hologram

    Hot Stamping Hologram

    Holographic Hot Stamping Holograms are manufactured by embossing impressions of the hologram on lacquered, metallic polyester film and then coated with special adhesive coating to enable the users to transfer the holographic image on to the substrate directly using hot stamping machine. We can provide both registered and running holographic Impression / image in form of Hot Stamping Foil. The supply of these type of holograms are made in spool form. Hot Stamping Holograms are suitable for both large and small scale applications.

    Unregistered / Running Image Holographic stamping

    The intention behind the development of unregistered /Running design is that it can be stamp easily due to its running pattern holographic images and offer protection against any tampering of products and brands. Meant for continuous process without leaving wastage. We manufacture it according to your needs so that you can either use it in registered from or in running strip. Holographic Hot stamping Holographic strips currently are in trend and have a high market demand from a lot of industries like, Pharma,automobile,cosmetics,textile,printing & packaging .

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    Registered Hologram Stamping foil

    In various industries, Registered design is defined as marks on a holographic image that is created with help of the hot stamping method. Holographic Image can be customized according to requirement with sensor eye mark where machine senses the eye mark and transfers the image accurately to the position using the hot stamping machines. Highly acclaimed for securing confidential documents, plastic products, credit cards, mark sheets, bond certificates, loyalty cards, tax Labels and fabric etc.

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